The virtual model presented here introduces several different stages of the development of the historical Kaunas port town – up to the 19th century, the 19th century, and the first half of the 20th century (of the interwar period) – which are marked by three types of historical ships: the Lithuanian vytinė, the East Prussian reisekahn, and the river steamboat. Next to these ships, you can recognize the urban contours of the Kaunas port town and the most prominent architectural objects that shaped the character of the city. Individual virtual models can be viewed in a separate window: historical ships, old warehouses, and other structures. More about the project More >>

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Vytautas the Great bridge

In 1930 a new bridge connecting the Old Town with Aleksotas was opened, which, taking into account the 500th anniversary of the Grand Duke's death that year, was christened with the name of Vytautas the Great. Together with the almost identical Petras Vileišis Bridge, the new structure was one of the most important transport infrastructure projects.

Kaunas pier

In 1926 the construction of a new passenger pier significantly improved travel conditions. The pier had a waiting room, a ticket office, and a small luggage compartment. There were kiosks inside where people could buy fruit, tobacco, snacks or fish. From here they traveled to Aukštoji Panemunė, Lampėdžiai, Kulautuva, Zapyškis, Kačerginė, Vilkija and elsewhere.

River steamboat

After Lithuania regained its independence, steamboat communication was soon restored in the Nemunas as well. Throughout the twenty years of independence, steamboats became one of the most popular means of transportation for the townspeople. They made it convenient to travel to the towns and resorts of Pakaunė (greater Kaunas area).

Karaliaus Mindaugo av. warehouses

The current building was built in the 19th century, near the Nemunas and the on the site of intensive commercial life. At the end of the 19th century both the current residential building and two warehouses appeared here: the construction type in this area of the Old Town, famous for its abundance of warehouses, is quite typical.


Reisekahn (German name) is a flat-bottomed sailboat with one to three masts with side spars, a rudder and a bowsprit. Due to their strong hull and rigging, reisekahns had much better sea characteristics than vytinės or baidokai, so they could easily go to the stormy Curonian or Vistula lagoons. Boats differed in size, it depended on the sailing area and the owner's finances.

Palangos street warehouses

The current character of the building was formed in the second half of the 19th century. A complex of two warehouses was also formed here - the larger one standing by the street was formed in several stages; as is typical for this type of building to adapt to changing needs. The facades of the building were plastered.

Kurpių street warehouses

A huge four-story warehouse with a cellar, in the Old Town, sprung up in the 19th century. It is believed that the warehouse was built around 1863. In the general context of the warehouses of that time, the building stood out not only for its massiveness, but also for its slightly more decorative facade, the unusual shape of the roof of the crane mechanism.

L. L. Zamenhof street warehouse

As trade in Nemunas grew, a second floor appeared on this building until 1860 and it was reconstructed into a warehouse: research reveals that the first tower of the goods lifting mechanism was on the north side and only in the second half of the century was it moved to the western part of the building. In the northern part, meanwhile, living quarters were attached to the warehouse.

Muziejaus street warehouses

In the books of the Kaunas magistrate, the area where the old Muziejaus street warehouses are today was previously known as Vokiečių (German) or Vokė corner. All this is evidence of the colony of German merchants who once lived here, and moved to Kaunas from Gdansk (Danzig) for trade purposes. Today, these warehouses are symbols of the cultural memory of the port city of Kaunas.


Vytinė was a flat-bottomed sailing wooden ship controlled by an oar at the back used in the 15th-19th centuries. It was found in Lithuanian and Prussian waterways. In the long run, many wooden cargo ships that sailed on the Nemunas were called by the common name of vytinė. Downstream, the boat traveled with the help of the river current and a jib sail.

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